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Leonard Hatred 4:20 Sun Sep 15
Gareth Thomas - HIV positive

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Tomshardware 7:09 Wed Sep 18
Re: Gareth Thomas - HIV positive
Thing I don't get, Thomas has said he never would have let it be public knowledge were it not for reporter about to leak it. But there's a documentary going out in Wales, 'Gareth Thomas HIV and me' in the next day or so.

goose 5:37 Tue Sep 17
Re: Gareth Thomas - HIV positive
i've done the same, purely to make myself immune from blackmail.

don't see anyone blackmailing me do you?

Moncurs Putting Iron 5:31 Tue Sep 17
Re: Gareth Thomas - HIV positive
goose 5:28 Tue Sep 17


I lead a vanilla, unremarkable, average life that is of no interest to many and of some interest to a precious few. It's one of my proudest acheivements to date. :-)

goose 5:28 Tue Sep 17
Re: Gareth Thomas - HIV positive
surely the best way to beat the blackmailers is for people not to print the story and not to go on every possible media outlet telling everyone?

Moncurs Putting Iron 5:20 Tue Sep 17
Re: Gareth Thomas - HIV positive
cholo 4:24 Tue Sep 17

That was my take on it, trying to get ahead of it before the media did it their way. (See Ben Stokes Story)

It definitely detracts from his role model, legend status.

Some liberal bleeding hearts will shrug and overlook it.
Some will have a schadenfreude giggle at his expense.
Some will use it for their agenda because they don't like his agenda.

and typically the above has happened on this thread.

w4hammer 4:45 Tue Sep 17
Re: Gareth Thomas - HIV positive
presumbably he's also passed it on to countless others due to his need for skin on malebum crack action ...unsure quite how this makes him in any way a legend or brave when its been known for years the god has a way of punishing this kind of poofery....

goose 4:27 Tue Sep 17
Re: Gareth Thomas - HIV positive
even if he was forced to announce it, we should not be celebrating or praising someone for contracting a virus that can be avoided.

cholo 4:24 Tue Sep 17
Re: Gareth Thomas - HIV positive
Wasn't he threatened with being outed by the press on this occasion so he was forced to out himself?

Sven Roeder 4:14 Tue Sep 17
Re: Gareth Thomas - HIV positive
He is a GAY as well
THEY are everywhere

goose 4:11 Tue Sep 17
Re: Gareth Thomas - HIV positive
why is Prince William saying he is a legend for contracting HIV?
Surely he should be warning the kids about all this unprotected bumming?

Sven Roeder 4:09 Tue Sep 17
Re: Gareth Thomas - HIV positive
Announces his engagement to Sam Smith the year after

Lee Trundle 4:02 Tue Sep 17
Re: Gareth Thomas - HIV positive
I'm a Celebrity this year.
Strictly next year.

Then he's done them all, hasn't he?

wd40 3:29 Tue Sep 17
Re: Gareth Thomas - HIV positive
His attention seeking and needing a fix simple as that and that's quite understandable
after playing at the highest level in front on 80.000 at times to nothing which must be a hard for any top sports man.
He got his fix this week it's a nice book promotional at Xmas then the London marathon next year.

Cheezey Bell-End 2:16 Tue Sep 17
Re: Gareth Thomas - HIV positive
Thanks Anal.

Moncurs Putting Iron 11:18 Tue Sep 17
Re: Gareth Thomas - HIV positive
diehardhammer 12:04 Tue Sep 17

Then make him watch the VAR recording.

Chrisel 11:05 Tue Sep 17
Re: Gareth Thomas - HIV positive
Isn't the treatment so good these days that they can prevent it being passed on? If so wouldn't be an issue to play with it.

I could be wrong, just have a vague memory of reading something along those lines

El Scorchio 12:39 Tue Sep 17
Re: Gareth Thomas - HIV positive
I'm inclined to agree that if he played when knowing he was potentially risking other players' health then that's a disgrace, but I just can't see a situation where that could happen and the virus could have gone undetected in an international sportsman.

If it was detected, then there's no question the decision would have been taken out of his hands by doctors, and all opposition players would have to have been informed prior to games and it would surely have surfaced in the press years and years ago.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 12:30 Tue Sep 17
Re: Gareth Thomas - HIV positive
El Scorchio

You'd think so. But I haven't seen a single, 'he got this after he retired', thing, so I can be forgiven for thinking the worst.

Clearly I could be wrong, in which case I would apologise unreservedly to Thomas.

El Scorchio 12:14 Tue Sep 17
Re: Gareth Thomas - HIV positive
I'd imagine it would have been picked up in blood tests or medicals while he was still playing. He wouldn't have been able to hide it from doctors or opponents. It would have made the news years ago.

diehardhammer 12:04 Tue Sep 17
Re: Gareth Thomas - HIV positive
I hope Mike Dean is his next boyfriend and GT shafts him hard

penners28 10:01 Mon Sep 16
Re: Gareth Thomas - HIV positive
This is my point. I appreciate the chances of catching it this way would be slim, however IF he knew he had it then he should have made people aware sooner.

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